
Track insulation condition monitoring system KSIT-1M

System description

Track insulation condition monitoring device KSIT-1M is automatically monitoring the condition of track insulation integrated with pump tracks at the fuel pump station (or transshipment station). In the event of identifying a short circuit or too low resistance in insulated contact, the device reports such irregularity, generating a signal that prevents activation of the transshipment system (pumps).

The risk posed by dangerous electric charges in the area of insulated pump track during the transshipment of liquid fuels is thus eliminated.


Essential equipment:

  • controls and instruments cabinet
  • tanker car earthing lines at filling stations
  • insulation contacts in track runs
  • Channel cables connecting system components.
Registered Office Gdańsk
Branch Office Katowice
Registered Office Gdańsk

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NIP 584-020-09-33
REGON 003006753

Branch Office Katowice

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NIP 584-020-09-33
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