
14th International Railway Fair TRAKO 2021
14th International Railway Fair TRAKO 2021

     Wielobranżowa i Projektowa Spółka z o.o. Monat invites you to visit the stand during the 14th International Railway Fair TRAKO 2021, which will be held on September 21-24 in Gdańsk.

Registered Office Gdańsk
Branch Office Katowice
Registered Office Gdańsk

ul. Przyrodników 19
80-298 Gdańsk

(58) 721 30 32

NIP 584-020-09-33
REGON 003006753

Branch Office Katowice

ul. Tadeusza Boya-Żeleńskiego 108,
40-001 Katowice

(32) 203 57 06

NIP 584-020-09-33
REGON 003006753